Parental Emotions with Crying Babies

I don’t want to jinx anything at all, but I want you to know that on Wednesday night Junior had his best night ever.  It was great and we felt like real parents.  He was chill and didn’t cry once after 6pm to this writing (I’m writing it at 8pm)!  Now, I doubt things will continue to go this well, but I wanted to share in the joy that we at least had a few hours of sanity in our house.

I want to say though that this whole being a father thing is a lot harder to deal with than what I thought it would be.  It seems each night there’s a whole new set of emotions.  Explaining those emotions and telling people about them can also make you look like a real big jerk.  However, I want to try… my hope is that other fathers and people suffering with a child that has acid reflux, colic, milk protein allergy, or anything that makes a baby cry for hours and hours with no consoling can read this and hopefully know that these emotions are normal…

However, before I talk about them, I want you to know that I absolutely adore my son.  I love him more than I ever thought possible. 

  • Sadness:  Imagine looking at a person you love more than this world and watching him suffer and know there is nothing that you can do to solve the problem for the kid.  When Junior cried from this, he would cry so hard his face would turn bright red and he couldn’t even get a gasp of air because of it.  He was gasping for air so that he can cry more.  It’s absolutely terrible.
  • Frustration: When there’s nothing you can do, and especially when you don’t even know what is wrong, it is the most frustrating thing in the world to hold a baby that will not stop crying.  There are so many shameful thoughts that run through your mind in this situation that it will make you even more frustrated you’re thinking that.  In the height of the crying, I wanted someone else to take him away so that I wouldn’t have to hear it anymore.  How terrible is that?  I wanted to be a dad like no other and now I just want him to go away?
  • Guilt:  I felt terrible guilt for feeling so frustrated.  I’m a very even keel guy.  I never get angry or frustrated, so it was difficult to be in that position.  You just feel guilty and like you’re a terrible parent because you can’t handle it. 
  • Anger: Two nights ago, I was so angry that I was put in this situation.  Why, of all people and of all babies, were we given one that is in so much pain?  That’s preventing us from enjoying his first weeks on Earth?  I was mad at God for doing that to me, to my wife, to Jack… it didn’t seem fair and it still doesn’t.  The bible is full of anger toward God, but it doesn’t make you feel better knowing that. 

Those are the main ones I guess.  I know I’ll feel them again.  I know I feel terrible that I’ve felt them already.  People keep telling us that he’ll get better and this will only last for a few months… Unfortunately, when you just got done with month one… it’s hard to hear it could last 10 months.  We’ll get through it though.  Just needs some prayers for patience and healing and perseverance.  And to anyone that got here from searching Google, please know that the frustration is normal and you’ll get through it.  Just take some time to breath and know the baby is just as frustrated and angry as you are.


You are a GREAT, AMAZING Daddy, John!!! You guys are doing wonderful--I can't imagine how you're doing it :) It'll get better soon!!!

April 8, 2010 at 7:19 AM  
Unknown said...

Well put, John. Those are the emotions I felt with our first too. Those "shameful thoughts" were probably the worst out of everything. It really helped to know that I wasn't the only Mommy who (despite the infinite love I felt for my baby) thought disturbing, evil things while trying to calm her down. Didn't make me any less ashamed though.

Feel some solice knowing that Jack's dilemma was entrusted to you and Molly by God because you are the right and perfect couple to handle it the best possible way for Jack. He needs you guys specifically to get through everything and no one else would have been able to love him like you guys through it all.

Feel more solice knowing that he'll be a happy and normal baby soon enough and here's the bonus: if and when you guys decide to have more babies, they will seem so easy and you'll appreciate everything more because of this. With our second, I really felt every day was a blessing because he was so "easy". If he would have come first, I doubt I would have appreciated him nearly as much.

Kudos to you both for sharing your experience. Hopefully it can help others who are having similar experiences.

April 8, 2010 at 9:39 AM  

You guys are doing Great!! The fact that you can write about it is amazing and therapeutic!
Learning to be a parent means learning to be super-human...only you don't have the special powers and magic--YET!
Every day you will learn what works best for each will develop your own special way of comforting him.
Allergies and acid reflux stink--there is no doubt about that!
But just know as your friend Susie said...God trusted you with Jack--he has faith in you.
Enjoy the small victories...there will be many..many more to come!!

April 8, 2010 at 6:20 PM