A Honeymoon from Acid Reflux

Many places talk about getting a honeymoon for a baby when they go on a new treatment for acid reflux.  Well, Junior has been amazing these past week dealing with his recovery.  He’s on super expensive fancy formula and taking heartburn medicine twice a day.  (Heartburn medicine at 6 weeks is a sad thing.) 

It’s amazing how quickly you forget all the emotions that you dealt with during the worst of times of his illness and feeling bad.  Well, last night we got a quick dose of reality as Junior had his acid reflux come roaring back with a vengeance.  It was bad.  The blood curdling screams.  The arched back.  The “crying so hard I don’t have time to catch a breath” cry.  The inability for us to settle him down.  And with each of these things, a flood of emotions for my wife and I as we remembered all of the feelings and fears that had slowly dwindled away over the past 10 days. 

We just hope and pray that Sunday night wasn’t the start of the end of the honeymoon period.  We pray that his good times will far outnumber his bad.  This is supposed to be a rollercoaster, with a bad day possible, so it’s not for sure… However, we’re just praying that God is going to continue to heal him and make him better.