Man Babies

Time for a respite from the depressing posts.  I hope you are excited to learn a bit about man babies.  To learn the most,  you need to visit the site: 

Now, I was hoping my submission would appear there before I posted this, but alas it has not..  The point of man babies is to switch the heads or faces of a man and his baby.  I have created two man babies.

The first man baby is of my good friend Rob and his son.  I created this man baby a couple years ago:


Needless to say, I was pretty excited to make a man baby of my own.


It’s not my best work.  However, you can rest assured I will make more man babies in the future and will share them with you.

Of course, Burb, my sister-in-law was quite jealous of my man-baby and requested I make one for her.  I guess this would be a woman-baby….


My wife was not very happy.