The Great Driveway Flood of April 2010

When it rains in San Antonio, it pours and pours and pours.  Thunderstorms down here are rarely severe, but they dump a lot of rain.  The ground here isn’t the porous dirt I’m used to in Nebraska… instead it’s hard rock.  That means when it pours it doesn’t soak in and it flows.  This past weekend, the water of the entire neighborhood flowed right into our driveway.

Here I am trying to get the water out of the driveway and rescue the dog beds:

I walked outside to that, after I looked out our door to see this:

At about five seconds, you’ll see a floating dog bed.  One of our dogs was already inside and I asked Stunning where the other dog was.  She realized she was still outside (we didn’t know the driveway looked like this yet) so she walked to the door to let her in.  Realized there was half a foot of water on the driveway and looked down to the see the dog (she’s 18 years old) laying on the nearly floating bed with just her head out of the water.  Well at that point we couldn’t open the door, because the water would have rushed it (it already was coming through the cracks) so we had to go rescue her through the other door.  In the end, she was fine.

This was the water after it left our driveway:

A river runs through it.  This will happen again… just one of the joys of living in Texas… and considering I used to be a weatherman, I’m being serious.


Yes. Thanks to the continued rain here in SA. My back yard resembles where an ecosystem the cuban cartel could dump bodies.

April 23, 2010 at 6:17 AM