Rocking Around Sandpaper

Well, we’re on our way to get the rocking chair into its new state.  That means it must be sanded first.

Sanding will do a couple things.  It will first of all roughen up some of the edges, but it will also smooth some of the rocking chair’s bigger imperfections. 



imageYou need to roughen the edges some to give the primer a better surface to adhere to.  While it will adhere to the chair’s lacquered surface, if there are some microscopic scratches, it will do a lot better.

I used a P100 grit sand paper, which is a very fine feeling to it:



So that’s the chair before anything is done to it.  After 15 minutes of some sanding, it’s left some scratches and dust all over the chair.


After that, I wiped the chair down with a wet cloth and let it dry.  You gotta get all of that dust off of it or you’ll be stuck with the primer adhering to dust particles instead. 

Again, as I mentioned, I’m not a handy man… so a lot of this stuff I’m just kind of making up as we go.  However, thanks for reading!!


Chelsea said...

Can't wait to see the finished product!!

January 15, 2010 at 8:54 AM