Welcome to Fatherhoody

I’m not going to claim that I have created the most interesting blog.  I’m not going to claim it’s an original blog.  I am going to claim the name Fatherhoody, because I was quite surprised no one on blogspot had ever taken it.  I’m not that creative.


In fact, overall, Fatherhoody seems to be fairly unique.  A quick search for “Fatherhoody” on Google gives us a couple of items:

A Hoody with Father Written On It for Cancer



Therefore, I guess the question is whether this should be Fatherhoodie or Fatherhoody.  Wikipedia’s article is named “hoodie”, but within the article is claims it’s called “hoodie (or hoody) or a bunnyhug (in Saskatchewan)”.  In the end, perhaps I should have called it Fatherhoodbunnyhug.


Pam said...

i'm a mom who wears hoodies a lot. crap, why didn't i come up w motherhoodie? lol came via dad blogs.

December 16, 2009 at 11:06 PM