My Son Isn’t Born, but He Already Dislikes Me…

The thought of false labor got me thinking about actually having Junior.  Soon enough, we’ll be heading to the hospital to actually give birth to our son.  Then, I’ll get to know him!

I’m not sure if this is normal for most father still waiting for their child to be born, but I feel really disconnected from him.  I get to hear my wife talk about what he’s doing…

“He’s sleeping.”
”He’s awake.”
”Oooo… he’s kicking now!”
”Junior sure is quiet today.”
”Junior is doing flips.”

Sometimes she says “He’s really kicking,” and I hurriedly put my hand on her stomach, only for her to say, “Oh, you won’t be able to feel it.”  (Apparently, he’s kicking her insides.) How disappointing.  It’s almost like the two of them have this amazing relationship even before birth and I’m just on the outside looking in. 

Other times, he’ll be kicking up a storm and she’ll grab my hand, put it on her stomach and then…. nothing.  He stops.  It’s for this reason, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t really like me.  He might grow to like me, but right now, he’s not too excited about me being around.

It got me to wondering if this is normal.  I’m almost jealous of my pregnant wife (not jealous enough to deal with being pregnant), but jealous that she gets to have this type of relationship with our son and I’m left sitting on the sidelines.  I’m sure once he’s born, this will change, but for right now it’s frustrating.


Chelsea said...

I hear that's normal. I hear it's normal even after he's born too. She's still going to have a more intimate relationship with him.

My brother pushes on my SIL's stomach until Avery wakes up and kicks him. It usually works.

December 29, 2009 at 9:00 AM  
Unknown said...

That's what I'm afraid of, which is why I'm going to play baseball with him shortly after birth.


December 29, 2009 at 7:52 PM  
Unknown said...

Quote: "That's what I'm afraid of, which is why I'm going to play baseball with him shortly after birth."

Be careful. Even with a catcher's mitt they are a bit slick.

December 30, 2009 at 10:53 AM  
Unknown said...

John, he will be in your arms in no time and you won't remember your life without him in it. And if that doesn't least you won't be jealous when Molly's in labor. ;)

December 30, 2009 at 11:19 AM  
Anonymous said...

I understand what you are feeling fully. When I look at Bela I crave to be able to carry my own child, feel him kick, see my belly grow..... At the sonogram I cried hard. For two reasons, first, because I was so happy to see him for the first time. Second, because I was sad that I wasn't the one laying on the table. But you are right- once he is here that is all that will matter. -Tina

January 11, 2010 at 7:12 PM  
Unknown said...

That must be incredibly difficult. The best thing is though that after their born, these nine months will not be a big deal at all. :-)

So excited for us!!

January 11, 2010 at 7:29 PM