Remaking Movies

When growing up, movies would come out and I would hear my dad say, “Oh ya, I saw that movie when they made it back in the 1960s!”  It always meant my dad was older than me… he remembered decades that I didn’t even exist in.  Movie remakes happen, but they seem to be happening at a great pace. 

The reason I bring this up is that they’re going to remake Spiderman.  SPIDERMAN… you know the movie that just came out a few years ago.  The original Spiderman was released in 2002.  The film’s maker (Sony, I believe) has decided to drop Tobey McGuire and start the whole thing over.  Huh?  You just started it. 

Then you have other movies like The Incredible Hulk that were kind of rebooted, but really weren’t.  They were both pretty big messes. 

I can’t wait to take my son to see the remake of Avatar in a couple years.  I’ll tell him “Ya, I remember when this movie came before you were even born!”


Also, Batman. The Dark Knight was a great movie, but the original Batman is still a classic.

February 4, 2010 at 9:25 AM  
Anonymous said...

Greg complains on a semi regular basis (i.e. everytime he hears of something new song or movie wise being done that is a remake) that no one has any originality anymore and that most movies are now remakes and it MAKES HIM VERY UPSET!. (haha that last line comes from too much time with Amelia, it helps tantrums if you say loudly YOU ARE VERY UPSET!, don't ask me *shrugs*), anyway my point is you are not alone in your realization about the remakes. You could text Greg about spider man and spend a lovely few minutes with him complaining. :)

(I saw Avatar on sat in 3d btw, it was really good :) )

February 8, 2010 at 7:52 AM