National Weatherperson Appreciation Day

Well, National Weatherperson Appreciation Day came and went last week and I wasn’t appreciated very much.  It’s fine though, because I’m no longer a weatherperson.  However, as I stated on that day (February 5) once a meteorologist, always a meteorologist at heart.  (Although when people ask me the forecast with the idea that I know all forecasts and weather conditions at all times, I tell them that I have retired.)

I do want to honor those people who still make a career out of the weather.  It’s an amazing thing to do.  In fact, I wanted to be a weatherman as early as the fifth grade.  I decided then that it is what I want to do and over the years it never changed.  Once I got to experience the hours and pay though, I decided I would do something else.  (It’s been a great change though, thanks to my current employer who is amazing!) 

However, being a meteorologist is not the easiest thing to do.  The hours are always strange and for the most part they are always changing.  You have to experience some terrible jokes on an almost daily basis:

“Wow… weather guy… must be nice to have a job where you can be wrong all the time and still get paid.”

Real original!!  In fact, I haven’t heard that joke since yesterday.

For the fact that meteorologists across the United States have to experience that joke at all times, I must give them my honest appreciation. 

I appreciate you, Mr. Making Forecasts All the Time Guy.


Anonymous said...

I was fierce in my defense of you when I heard that one John.

"Actually, you know, it takes a 4 year degree to even be any sort of good at doing it, and, it's guesswork as a weather person can't help it that Mother Nature changes her mind. The hours bite, and you always watch him, so therefore you must find some value to it"...and yes, unlike some things I think, I said all of this or portions of this a lot.

the person would usually be like "uhhh....." "oh I knowww, I was just joking"

February 9, 2010 at 10:05 AM  
John C said...

That's why I love you like a sister....... wait a second.

February 10, 2010 at 7:14 PM